I am living experiences…

… when its passionate, its expressive - Vami

Back to self - health.

Valentina is a certified Kashmir Shaivisim Yoga Teacher of the Tantric Arts, Transpersonal Guide, Sensual Embodiment Coach who is a believer in expression, empowerment and sensual awareness within all aspects of life.

Earth medicines cultures and Tantra practices are what guide her.

She has spent a decade studying the self, the science of Yoga to understand human relationships. …an Alchemist in transforming years of different experiences into a system which combines tantric sciences, indigenous traditions and a biohacker life , she is on A constant journey that leads her to discover different parts of self love, inner critic, fears, failures, beauty and all that makes up the integral being of the Self …over and over again…

For the past couple of years she has been a catalyst for transformation through personalised coaching programs, facilitating workshops, and receiving teachings within the principles of psychology, sexuality, wellness, earth medicines and spirituality.

She continuously learns by attending different retreats, training programs, workshops, as well as various course which she integrates and combines when sharing the knowledge with others.

“Over the years, I has been influenced by many yogic schools and practices, however, I have  connected the most with the Traditional Kashmir Śaiva Tantric system with influences from Vajrayana  belief system. This particular path, its teachings and sciences resonated and make sense within me the most.

I extend my gratitude to those teachers who have inspired me directly and indirectly, such as Bhagavan Shri Shanmukha Anantha Natha  (Kaula tantra), Alan Watts, Osho, Mooji,  Dr Gabor Mate,Tony Robbins , Jan Garuda, S.N.Goenka, Abraham Hicks and so many more.

Cultures, nutrition, travel, design, longevity and cooking are big passions of mine. "


200 & 300 RYS YOGA ALIANCE certifications for Tantra Yoga (āsana, puja, chakras, basic Ayurveda, Bandhas), meditation and wellness guide.

Certified Psychological Counsellor.

Interior Architect

Energy system massage therapist - ayurvedic

Sacred Cacao ceremony facilitator


Coaching with Mind Valley, Gene Keys, pasionate enquiry introduction Gabor Mate, The Emotional Release Institute, basic Fungy and psychedelics, Indigenous central & s. American cultures….forever a student.

By showing up for yourself, you inspire others to do the same.

this is how I show up..

Physical Intelligence - Wholesome approach & knowledge to Lifestyle Health - tantric yoga teacher and practitioner, massage therapist, food wise :: Dance :: Somatic movement :: Elegant :: Body language awareness

Emotional Intelligence - I know who I am & I do not stop expanding :: I know my potential :: I see the worth & transformation in others :: Empathic, perceptive :: Brave :: Calm :: Experienced :: a sensual Woman

Logical - Honest :: Always pulled to explore and learn more :: Experienced design specialist -career :: Structured & driven in what aligns with my values :: Talented :: Creator :: Expressive :: Educated :: Mentor and Guide

Spiritual Intelligence - Raw:: Intuitive :: Priestess architype :: Transformative :: Free :: Seer :: Eagle