“Here in this body are the sacred rivers
Here are the sun and moon
As well as all the pilgrimage places
I have not encountered another temple
As blissful as my own body.”

Saraha Doha

the art of intimacy° tantra workshops

With guidance in this scholar Tantric (“Tan” means expansion and “Tra” means liberation) process of expansion to attain liberation - you find new roads inside yourself to love, with all your senses

embodiment of Shiva / Shakti (masculine / feminine energy) :: through the senses you awaken your vital energy gateway to the inner and outer world :: through trust & letting go you open to the exploration of sensuality ::

Couples :

experiencing the 5 senses ritual, you go deep within, accessing the capability of a spiritual awareness :: behind each sense, there is a shrouded feminine-masculine pleasure which can be uncovered to us as we plunge profoundly into these experiences with mindfulness ::


the love within starts with yourself :: till you decide to love yourself, nobody can :: until you are able to connect to yourself , how you feel vs how you think, you wont be able to connect to others or to take care of others :: Honour your voice, as no one else will :: the first step is being in love with yourself ::

:: with a combination of energy massage, somatic movement, breath work & touch relaxation all set in a safe environment, these sessions encourages you to allow yourself to flow into deep states of being ::

what to expect

Sessions last a minimum of 90minutes and a maximum of 3 -4 hrs ::

meditation ♡ setting your joint intentions ♡ Cacao Journey to open your heart ♡ 5 senses ritual w/ playfulness & creativity ♡ touch* ♡ gratitude

Sessions are booked individually or as packages :: If you feel you could benefit from my work but rates are a challenge I offer a limited number of sessions with reduced rates based on individual circumstances

Connect to find out more - justbe-delight@pm.me

* Please Note, any genital/anal, touch will not be part of the session. Any further requests would have to be deferred to another session.

cacao ceremony facilitator training

I am excited to be your guide and share my wisdom of holding sacred ceremonial space as we learn to honour and work with this master plant medicine from the heart of South America CACAO (ka`kaw)!

First note: As with anything you do in life, right intention and maintaining integrity throughout the preparation, ceremony, and closing ceremony are crucial aspects of creating a safe container for magic to happen.

Holding a Cacao Ceremony with integrity and respect for the Indigenous Wisdom keepers of this Master Plant Medicine weaves the thread of lineages by acknowledging the Ancestors from where Cacao comes from; Just like honouring the Gurus and lineages of yoga teachers as a way of respect and unbroken wisdom.

I look forward to sharing my knowledge and wisdom of many cacao ceremonies with you ! 

Questions? Ask till you get an answer that enriches you.

private or groups :: we are always part of a tribe

for workshops and packages, please contact me with your message