be Inspired °

Testimonials …

  • Tantric somatic° Practice

    Sessions designed to teach you a fundamental Tantric lifestyle.

    We beging with free call consultation to understand what you would like to work on, and if you resonate with me being your guide.

    We follow with Tailored sessions that provide a SAFE and nurturing space for individuals 1:1 or couples Coaching. Leading you through practices, that explore your emotional well-being by placing focus on bringing THE SELF into the body.

    Somatic therapy offers techniques for clients to sense and regulate their own physiology and states of being. This includes building more internal and external resources, building trusting and co-regulatory relationships, learning to turn inward with compassion, being invited deeper into the body, and being given time and space to process the trauma. These somatic techniques unwind trauma and restore well-being.

    Giving you Access to tools and practices for liberation, empowerment sensuality and intimacy. Listening through the basis of conscious personal exploration and development Reconnecting with your whole self, In the NOW from COMPASSION and LOVE.

    Therapy helps:

    ° Restore the body as a place of safety while helping to expand the capacity to process body (preverbal and nonverbal) memory

    ° Metabolize unprocessed emotions

    ° Complete thwarted (incomplete) stress responses

    ° Restore our optimal relationship to our self and the world around us

    It is possible to work with me from anywhere in the world. Sessions can be in person or through online video meetings.

    90min - CHF 183 | 120min - CHF 244 | 150min - CHF 305

    Book a Discovery Call

  • Ayurvedic ° walking massage

    This massage works with body ,digestion, gut health and whole wellbeing as pressure points on Meridians/Nadis. It cultures a healthy energy system by applying pressure along the major 72,000 Nadis (energetic pathways) to release blockages and stagnation.


    Relaxes muscles

    Improves lymph fluid circulation

    Improves blood circulation

    Increases muscle flexibility

    Relieves pain

    Reduces the amount of stress hormones in the body

    Balances your entire self from head to toe

    Increases the amount of serotonin in the body and thus increases the feeling of well-being

  • Master Plants Space Holder ° Training

    ceremony facilitator mentoring

    Excited to be your guide and share the gained knowledge of holding sacred ceremonial space as we learn to honour and work with master plants and energies.

    As with anything you do in life, right intention and maintaining integrity throughout the preparation, ceremony, and closing ceremony are crucial aspects of creating a safe container for magic to happen.

    My master

  • Life Book ° Design & Live your Dream Life

    Modelled and following the Life book template design system by Jon & Missy Butcher, We focus on improving not only your career, wealth, health, and relationships - but in reality, many more areas of life shape your success, happiness..

    I help guide you through a powerful life envisioning process, that shows you how to leverage Every area of your life. This 6 weeks process will transform how you approach your life from now on and to stay on track with clear vision. By designing and clarifying one area of your life, it will impact the other areas so in the end it is a transformation that takes place through momentum.

    °Health, fitness and intellectual life

    °Emotional life & character

    °Spiritual life & love relationship

    °Parenting & social life

    °Financial life & career

    °Quality of life & life vision

    Book a Discovery Call To find out more about each area and how this can have a profound impact


  • Earth medicine

    NOOTROPICS for your daily life. No matter the age, brain health, cognition, ADD/ADHD, depression and anxiety alleviation starts and ends with your health

  • Heart warming

    HEART and blood HEALTH is as important as brain health. Stressor levels are seen immediately in the blood .

  • Soul enriching

    GRATIFICATION cannot be temporary. It needs to benefit our long term wellbeing. Now in the moment and in the long run. Taking care of your whole body as well as sharing sensational moments with someone close to you.