to be it, you need to embody it

You are in and of the water simultaneously. The belief that you will drown is what precludes you from taking more. But at the level of vibration you are at, you Will drown. When you decide to drop that old belief that you are different than the water, then you will no longer be lost within it, you are it as much as IN it and you expand through it. You become safe as you are no longer separate from it while maintaining a sense of form, while moving through the reality you exist in.

Tapping into other "realities" is as simple as stretching out your hand and grabbing something off the shelf . There is no door there is not even a glass sheet that blocks access . Your view is that you're separate from it -  or that you shouldn't access it  - be allowed to access it, or that you are not worthy to have it..  so you just stare at it and with time, it is a self action of blocking accessibility.

Afterwords you go through a lot of work and barriers to access realities and access `that self`. Those barriers are just an illusion that you’ve put up to support your belief of only accessing what you can hold, not seeing beyond the limit. That there is no limit. Everything is infinite. You and I are INFINITE ♾️.


Do not let the Devil know, as the Devil will trick you.


🌕✨the Feminine symbolic representations the Womb Women have been said to take .